South Carolina debate


New Member
Did anyone watch the debate in South Carolina Monday night? I caught most of it and I think Romney and Gingrich did well. Perry and Santorum had their moments, but Ron Paul is just too darn extreme for me. It'll be interesting to see who the good people of South Carolina vote for this Saturday.


New Member
If you go by audience reaction, Gingrich did better than everybody else put together. Didn't he get a standing ovation at one point? They were leading into the commercial as it happened, but it looked like it was going that way.

Ron Paul will probably stay in the race as long as he has the money to keep going. But I don't think his support will get past the single digits except for maybe a handful of states.

I was kind of surprised at the way Romney stumbled over the question of releasing his taxes. You could even hear the mumblings from the audience. He's been in politics for a long time. I'm really surprised that he wasn't more prepared for that question. Having said that, I believe he did well on a few questions. Either way, he's increasing his lead in the polls, but that's probably because of Huntsman dropping out and endorsing Romney.


New Member
One of the talk shows was having a special with Newt Gingrich's ex-wife planning to talk. That should be interesting. Then I turned the channel and heard Rick Perry talking about how he couldn't do things without the support of his wife. I thought, "Uh-oh. Here it comes."


New Member
I just heard that Rick Perry dropped out today and endorsed Newt.

Micheal, I also heard something about one of Newt's ex-wives talking. I don't know what she said, but I got the impression it wasn't good.