Speeding drivers


New Member
We have had the police monitor our neighborhood a few times but it does not seem to do any good. We have random people coming up and down the streets who speed and it is not just a little but one guy almost took out a neighbor of ours. We are a neighborhood friendly setup with a "watch" but it does not seem to help. What else can we do, petition the city?


New Member
Probably nothing! I see it all the time. The city probably will tell you that the police are patrolling the area and nothing more can be done. You can try the petition but it probably won't help.


New Member
That is about the same run around I got back when our kids were in school and within the school zone it seemed like one in three cars actually obeyed the posted speed limit. Then again they would patrol a few times a year, pull over 10 cars at a time and then we only saw them when they wanted us to. :(


New Member
We actually have the same problem. We live on a residential street with a school right across the street but everyone flies down it at about 55 MPH. They use it as a shortcut between the bigger streets. I can't tell you how many times I have almost been rear ended by someone when I try to turn into my driveway.


New Member
I wouldn't have a clue. It seems like this is a common problem these days. I've even had someone speed up to try to hit my dog who was crossing the street. I'm just glad it wasn't one of the kids. The dog is fine, but he doesn't get off leash ever again.


New Member
I think this problem can't be accessed and solved in a way you are describing. On the other hand I don't see an effective solution. It seems like a common issue everywhere.