Stay for kids?


New Member
Since the courts are more inclined to give custody to the mothers how did you know it was time to leave? A lot of the time I'm tempted but I'm afraid they'd get raised by her parents or at least be with them most of the time if they want to eat.


New Member
I think its unhealthy to stay married just for the kids sake. Our children deserve to see what a loving, healthy marriage looks like so they know what to aspire to. I don't want my kids to think that a cold, passionless marriage is normal and expected.


New Member
Well if you can prove that your wife is unfit to raise the children than you can gain full custody. I also agree with Harry, staying with your wife will just warp their view of life and they will grow up thinking they can't have healthy relationship.


New Member
I think its unhealthy to stay married just for the kids sake. .
It is and too many people fall into this trap. I really do not get it. I know someone like this now who is doing it and they already know my thoughts on it. For some reason they are both stubborn and still unhappy. Its hard to be a friend to someone you know doing something so crazy.


New Member
I think my dad stayed just for us and now I'm kind of stuck. I think I've asked this before but it's always nice to get new points of view. There's no way I could prove she's unfit since her parents provide so much support. Thank you both.


New Member
My dad stayed for me too and it caused a lot of problems. I can't say how things would have gone if he had divorced my mother, but growing up in that house was miserable. My dad waited until I was in college to file for divorce and I was mad at him for waiting so long. Just a little food for thought.