Swimming in lakes


New Member
There's a big man-made lake about an hour's drive from here my kids have been wanting to go to. I would much rather head to the beach and stay there overnight at least. I just don't like the crowds at some of these places. Do you just go along and take your ear plugs?


New Member
I don't take ear plugs. In general, I enjoy the experience and spending the time with my family in a beautiful place. I think if you let a bad attitude about it color the trip, you lose some of the enjoyment.


New Member
I do not swim in lakes anymore after a friend of mine caught a nasty disease that even the best of doctor's could not get rid of. It seems some lakes have stuff in them that the doctor's are not aware of anymore. I will head out on a boat, but I never get the water anymore.


New Member
If you worry about what will happen in this life, you will never have enjoyment. If you start thinking of it, there is something that can go wrong with every aspect of anything you do. We have a local lake we swim in all of the time and we have always enjoyed doing so.


New Member
I love taking my girls to the lake, although for us, it's rather a distance to a good one. We just make a day of it, though. Sometimes there are a lot of other people around, but that doesn't bother me. With three girls, my house is often just as rowdy and noisy.


New Member
I don't like large crowds and I try to avoid them when I can, but with 7 billion people on the planet, learning to ignore them as much as possible is a necessity.