Taking belongings between houses


New Member
One thing I learned recently is that it is best for the kids if they are allowed to bring their belongings freely between mom and dad's houses. The exception being something like an Xbox which belongs to the family and not just to the child. So it does not matter who gave what for Christmas, the kids should be able to take their things to either house.


New Member
When my brother went through his divorce the state actually gave him and his wife pamphlets about how to deal with co-parenting. This is one of the things that they said in the pamphlet.


New Member
Those pamphlets are great and many states also advise for a parenting class even as a refresher, I guess it helps being taught how to co-exist again by someone who has already done it. Seems like a good idea to me, the issue of pets could come up and I would have no idea how to handle that one.


New Member
This is exactly what I was thinking: the children should be allowed to carry their presents (toys, gadgets etc.) with them when they go from one parent's house to the other's.


New Member
I think children should be able to do the same thing. I think it is important for parents to keep things in perspective about that too. If something gets lost at the other parents house, it would not be good to get upset and start a row over it.