

New Member
Would you allow your kids to get a tattoo? I think I would tell mine that they'd have to wait until they're older. Tattoos are such a permanent thing, I don't think I would want them to make that decision before they're 17 or 18 at least.


New Member
I think waiting until they're 18 is a very important thing, because that way they have plenty of time to think about what they want and if they are sure they want something so permanent. I would hate for my child to grow up and realize they hate their tattoo. That would be a terrible feeling.


New Member
My oldest has talked about getting a tattoo and she know that she'll have to wait until she's 18 and no longer needs my permission to get it. I just don't want her rushing into anything that she can't take back.


New Member
My daughter got one when she was sixteen but she didn't tell her mum or me, she just went with a friend and had it done. It's in a place that isn't obvious so it was months before we knew!


New Member
I have a number of tattoos, so I'm sure that it will come up eventually. I wouldn't accept the idea of a kid getting a tattoo till early twenties, though of course at 18 they can decide for themselves.


Staff member
I have two, with plans for a few more. The two I have are on the calves. So not easy to hide when swimming or such. I will be honest with my children. Tell them it is a life long commitment, and it took me several years from planning to getting the tattoo. At 18 though, they can do what they want. Under 18, no choice, and no tattoo.


New Member
I wanted one at 15. I never changed my mind and at 21 I got the one I envisioned. My son has already asked why I let someone 'draw' on me. I will let them know they have to wait until they are 18 as I do believe that is important.


New Member
I don't think that some people realize that tattoos are permanent. If you get one, it should be something symbolic and meaningful. I do not have any tattoos and neither does my wife. In all honesty, I hope my kids never say they want one.