Teens and Drugs


New Member
My teen brother has always been a screw up. I'm not just saying that because he is my little brother but he has always made the rest of the family worry, fret, wait, just about anything he can get by with. Well, Mom called me the other day and told me he had gotten busted for possession of pot. He had quite a bit and they are charging him with possession with intent to sell. She was crying because they had put him in Juvey for a week before they would let her bail him out. I feel so sorry for my Mom and Dad but little brother is a pain in the neck to put it mildly. I'm afraid Mom and Dad are in for a rough ride with the little spoiled brat. I've talked to him but it's the same "I was holding it for someone else, it's not my fault, blah, blah, blah" stuff he is always spouting.

Do you guys ever have to deal with something like this in addition to taking care of your own family? I honestly don't know what I can do, he's going to do what he's going to do and I say let him take the consequences.