The big boss


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At what age would a kid stop thinking that he is a big boss employing and paying his parents? My four year old son is the big boss at home and I doubt he has a plan to retire.
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New Member
That is a great question. My 2 year old is the same way; if we don't follow orders from Ms. Imperious, she throws a fit. Not that this stops us from doing what needs to be done, but she still thinks she is in charge.


New Member
Yep, I have got a bossy one here too. My three year old is quite the drama queen and Little Miss Bossy most of the time. Now she has a brother to boss around too!


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I guess they stop acting like the boss when you tell them they aren't and you are. My daughter knows the boundaries and knows when she is going to be in trouble for trying to tell me what she is going to do.


New Member
Thanks guys, I am glad I am not alone here. I hope it is just a stage he has to go through. I don't want to be permanently bossed around in office and at home.


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It depends on the parents. I know kids that didn't retire up to their late teens. So it all boils down to how much are you going to let your kid be the boss of you.


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My kids are long and grown still thinking they wear the pants in the family but a swift stern boot in the bum helps a great deal. You might have to wait a few years before you can pull that off though. :)


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My wife swore our child would never be like that. Guess what happened. Our daughter rules our house, or at least has done so for the past nine years. We're trying to be more forceful with our limits, but it's an uphill battle in some areas.


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Can't say that I've ever had that problem. My wife and I laid out a strategy on child rearing even before she was pregnant with our first son. That's not to say we don't adjust but our kids know that we are the bosses.


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There will come a time when every child figures out life is not always roses. Either teach him in the safety of his own home, or let him find out on his on at school. Sooner or later, they have to learn to play by the rules and that there is a pecking order.


New Member
It's worse for us stepdads. I let the 'spoil them till they like me' phase of dating go on way too long. It was tough for them when I started having a say in discipline and activities.


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I never had the impression as a kid that I was the boss of my parents. They never let me think that I was. If I ever had the thought, my older brother was right there to knock me down a peg or two.


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My kids used to be that one in their toddler years. But when they reached the age of 6 or 7, that's the time when I show them who's the real boss in the house. Most of the times, they knew who it was. But sometimes, they still play the boss in which I ended up as the pawn. The good thing is that, they knew when enough is enough. Just several weeks ago, my eldest wanted to join a school field trip and was nagging us for the whole week. We think is not that necessary and her grades would not be affected by it. This time, we show her who's the boss simply explaining it to her every time she ask for it. But of course, their would be some consequences to it. I'm just waiting for it to come soon.