The Duggars (19 Kids and Counting)


New Member
Now, I'm not proud of it, but sometimes I see 19 Kids and Counting and I'll watch it. These people scare me because they are so unattached to reality. I feel for the kids because they don't have a choice in the matter. I can't imagine the kids get any individual attention necessary to thrive.


New Member
There's nothing wrong with watching a show like that - if only to remind yourself that a smaller family can be the best choice! I don't get how they gave them all names starting with 'J'. That must be confusing.


New Member
There's nothing wrong with watching a show like that - if only to remind yourself that a smaller family can be the best choice! I don't get how they gave them all names starting with 'J'. That must be confusing.
I sometimes make up future names for them in my head - Jubilee, Juggar Duggar, Jenty (for #20 of course). My personal favorite is Jorja, pronounced like Georgia. They already have a Jinger pronounced like Ginger.


New Member
Way to many kids... Heck their oldest child had a child and they are still having babies. I would never want that many kids but I say "to each their own". As long as they are not getting Government help I could care how many kids they have. I don't like the show but my daughter does.


New Member
One thing I'll say for them is that they are a very loving family. I don't think they're being realistic and should be teaching their children financial responsibility for their own future so that they don't assume that's the way to do things whether or not they can afford them.


New Member
My wife and I have always enjoyed this show, and I really don't get the comment about needing to teach their kids financial responsibility. They completely support themselves and their children work in the family businesses as soon as they are old enough. You know not so long ago that's how society worked. Their kids seem to be very intelligent, social, and well adjusted so I think they have done a fabulous job.


New Member
I like this show just like I enjoy Sisterwives, and Toddlers and Tiaras because I like to study people and see how they think. I think the Duggar family has done a wonderful job of raising their family and many parents could take a cue from their parenting skills.


New Member
I like Sister Wives but I don't watch this show. I think what Regis meant was that when the kids are older some of them might not be able to support themselves financially and shouldn't have tons of kids.


New Member
They seem nice on the outside but the kind of people who would be extremely judgmental. They have really toned down the religion on the newer episodes. I feel like it's cultish and there is no way I would say those kids are well-adjusted to modern society. They can survive if they work in a family business and associate only with those the family already knows.


New Member
I have mixed feelings about this show. On the one hand I do think the kids seem polite, centered and happy. On the other surely they are going to find it hard to mix well and find future partners. They seem to be very insular and the kids don't even go to school.


New Member
Can you imagine the first girl to get married and have all of her siblings as bridesmaids? That is going to be nuts. I do not get it either unless you are popping out kids to work on the home farm as kid slaves. :(