The hardest part of marriage


Staff member
What have you found to be the hardest part of being married? They say the first few years are the hardest, for those married a long time do you find that to be true?


New Member
I've only been married a little over 3 years, but so far I do not find it difficult. We get annoyed with each other occasionally but rarely argue. The kids are the biggest stresser for us; we tend to bicker more when they are driving us crazy.


New Member
Kids here too! We have similar parenting skills but we do not agree on everything. It seems that we bicker more about how the other handled something. We never bicker in front of the kids though (about parenting skills).


New Member
The hardest part is compromise. It's easy with little things like what to eat. Having said that, it's a big adjustment for a lot of us when we first get married. Part of it has to do with how many years you were on your own. People get used to doing things their way, and even "the little things" can seem bigger than they are the first year. After that, it's a lot easier.


New Member
Getting rid of my man toys! :) Seriously though, I think the hardest part is dealing with kids and learning when to shut my mouth, smile, and nod yes.


New Member
I agree that kids make it harder. My wife and I don't argue about how to raise our daughter, but once in a while I do really miss the days when we didn't have so much responsibility and were able to be more spontaneous and carefree. Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't trade my daughter for anything.


New Member
The hardest part of marriage is that we naturally take out our frustrations on the people we love most. We take them for granted, too, and would be well advised to stop every day to realize how important they are to us.


New Member
The hardest part of marriage is trying to keep up all the family expectations. We have four girls, two families with lots of brothers and sisters and a number of relatives in various branches off the family. It's just impossible to live up to what everyone else expects.


New Member
The first couple of years are the hardest; this is because you're still getting used to living with this other person whose wants and needs are different from your own. Whether you've been married 2 years or 20, though, the biggest thing to watch out for is taking each other for granted.


New Member
Taking each other for granted is definitely something that you need to watch out for. That is one that can kind of sneak up on you when you aren't looking. Anybody else heard that Brad Paisley song "Love her like she's leaving"?


New Member
The hardest part for me and others I know tend to all agree, its admitting when you are wrong. Its not always a fight that takes place, it could be something you are doing at random times in the relationship and then one day you just wake up and have to apologize to the spouse. :)


New Member
I think the hardest aspect of marriage is compromising on issues both of you are passionate about. Financial strain can also put a lot of stress on a marriage, and so can children.


New Member
For me, the first year of marriage could be the most hardest part of getting married. To be more specific, its the "getting to know your partner" more which is the most hard. My wife and me had been for about 4 years as a couple before we get married. I taught, I've known her already like the back of my palm. And the same thing goes for her. But after 12 years of marriage, we still discovering new about each other.

Having kids and raising them would be only the second one.


New Member
The hardest part of being married is adjusting to all the responsibilities that come with it. I know there's no school anywhere to prepare you for it, but it's really tough especially when you have meddling in-laws who want to have a say in raising your kids, in the household budget, among others. Everyday is actually a struggle, but my wife and I just constantly remind ourselves that we are in this for keeps, and we only have to look at the kids to see how blessed we are.


New Member
The hardest part is letting go of the uniqueness or the individuality you so hopelessly have been fighting to retain all the prior years of your life. Both having to let go of childish ways and the past that will probably never happen again or won't feel the same anyway. It's a matter of both parties recognizing this fact and acting as a single unit. Once this is established then everything becomes a minor bump.


New Member
Hardest part especially for a parent is when the baby cries nonstop and you do not understand the reason. It is difficult to understand whether it is due to hunger, pain or some other distress. You go on answering based on your conclusions which prove wrong and ultimately you are at your wits end. All on a sudden to your great relief you will notice change and the kid starts laughing. This sudden change in mood of kids is unexplained and often puzzles young parents.


New Member
Hardest part of marriage was divorce. Because it was very complicated our 10 years old boy wanted to live with me and he's mother wanted to get our boys full custody.


New Member
The first few years are definitely the hardest for me. Learning a lot more about your partner and learning to compromise a lot better is hard. Being married is worlds different from just being in a relationship. It's a lot easier when you're with the right one though. :)

Victor Leigh

New Member
The hardest part for me was when the kids were ready to go to school. My wife and I had different ideas of what constitutes a good education. The next hardest part was when my children got married. Again a clash of ideas.


New Member
I've only been married a little over 3 years, but so far I do not find it difficult. We get annoyed with each other occasionally but rarely argue. The kids are the biggest stresser for us; we tend to bicker more when they are driving us crazy.