The hardest part of marriage

Dying to self

The hardest part of marriage is dying to yourself and putting the needs and desires of someone else before your own. If you want your marriage to work, purpose to serve your spouse in love with joy! You may not always get the results you want but that is what dying to yourself means. If both spouses do this, the marriage will be strong and secure. Many blessings stem from serving another that you would never expect. Men if you want your wife to be more responsive to you then serve them, they will feel loved and appreciated. Women if you want your husband to listen to you and spend time with you then serve them and they will feel respected and honored. When a wife feels loved and appreciated and a husband feels respected and honored then the marriage is strengthened.
blessings as you work on your marriages,


New Member
The hardest part is compromise. It's easy with little things like what to eat. Having said that, it's a big adjustment for a lot of us when we first get married. Part of it has to do with how many years you were on your own. People get used to doing things their way, and even "the little things" can seem bigger than they are the first year. After that, it's a lot easier. The first couple of years are the hardest; this is because you're still getting used to living with this other person whose wants and needs are different from your own. Whether you've been married 2 years or 20, though, the biggest thing to watch out for is taking each other for granted.


New Member
It's a good question. I agree with Ownage about compromise being the hardest part of marriage. I suspect that I was born to work (and live) alone. It's hard to accept that you can't do whatever you think is good, in the way you like the most anymore.


New Member
Marriage is difficult all throughout. It entails a lot of sacrifice especially when the kids start arriving. That is the reason why couples really have to think looong (typo error intended) and hard before tying the proverbial knot. Marriage also has it fun parts especially when the kids start arriving. You just have to take the bad along with the good. The sacrifice is worth it because you got married out of love.


New Member
I think money is the hardest part of marriage. You don't realize how different your attitudes about money can affect every single part of your life until you're married. Especially if you're a saver and she's a spender.

Victor Leigh

New Member
I think money is the hardest part of marriage. You don't realize how different your attitudes about money can affect every single part of your life until you're married. Especially if you're a saver and she's a spender.
Actually I would say it's more a problem in differences in priorities. Things which you wouldn't buy just yet, she considers to be necessities. Things which you feel should be bought now, she thinks can be put off to much later.


New Member
Sacrificing your television shows.

I know this is stupid, but I have a very happy marriage. The biggest peeve of mine is that she really dislikes MOST of what I watch. I am very into gritty crime TV and the like, but she grew up in a violet home, so it affects her. So of course I don't watch it when she's around (which is almost always), but it is a real bummer.


New Member
Ha-ha-ha! That's a good one JoshTheBoss. I had that problem too. Solution, got a second TV which I installed in the garage and i watched my shows there. Good thing, I came to like the shows she liked so we would watch her shows together in the living room. Unless one of my shows is on, then I would 'have something to do' in the garage.

Victor Leigh

New Member
Marriage is difficult all throughout. It entails a lot of sacrifice especially when the kids start arriving. That is the reason why couples really have to think looong (typo error intended) and hard before tying the proverbial knot. Marriage also has it fun parts especially when the kids start arriving. You just have to take the bad along with the good. The sacrifice is worth it because you got married out of love.
Your words remind me of what my Saudi student told me once. He said the Arabs consider marriage to be like a bottle of bitter medicine with a very thin layer of honey at the top. He may have a point there. After the brief euphoria of the first few days of marriage, the rest of the way is an uphill battle.


New Member
Dealing with the finances is what I think is the hardest part of a marriage. The couple has to be open and communicate. One partner may be set as being the primary person to handle the finances but he or she must communicate the family's financial situation and budget to the other. They should sit down and discuss their budget together frequently in this case so both feel they are involved in the decision making.