The kid in me


New Member
I can not help that I still love watching random cartoons when I have a day off work, this week its been full of Tom & Jerry with the kiddies in the house, Transformers and some show that they love and I have no idea what its about. A few of these newer cartoons shock me with their language and themes though.


New Member
Man, we should found a dad cartoons club because I'm the same way. I guess I never grew up regarding most things, which sometimes can be pretty annoying to my parents and my wife. :D But I'm pretty sure my kids and my friends are pretty OK with it, hehe.


New Member
This is one area where I am not guilty in the least. I couldn't sit through a cartoon if you paid me. I never was big on them when I was young either. Give me an old movie, black and white, over any cartoon or modern sit-com, any day of the week.


New Member
I love cartoons as much as I did in my childhood, and I don't feel guilty for that. I still watch old cartoons (Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, Donal Duck) regularly, with or without the kids.


New Member
I could sit through a cartoon with my kids but I don't really like them. You are so right though, the cartoons that they have now are just dumb. Cartoons that we had as kids were the best.


New Member
Watching cartoons is miles above watching these reality shows they have out these days. I think it's to save money because real celebrities cost so much. They end up making no-names into celebrities. Most of them have no class whatsoever.


New Member
Watching cartoons is miles above watching these reality shows they have out these days. I think it's to save money because real celebrities cost so much. They end up making no-names into celebrities. Most of them have no class whatsoever.
That is absolutely right! Then again, it is unbelievable how many people are watching these shows and enjoying them as well. OK, it's a show but c'mon, idealizing those low class people, really?


Staff member
I still love the cartoons I grew up with. I'll watch them from time to time. The new ones, I do not care for so much.


New Member
Some of the newer cartoons are just bad, poorly written too which tends to bug me. I understand that not everything an adult would look for in a cartoon is the same as a kid, but some of these just make me shake my head at them.