The Pope is retiring?


New Member
OK, let me start with saying, I'm Catholic. I went to Catholic school and everything. I had no idea that retiring from being the Pope was even an option. Is anyone else surprised that the Pope is stepping down?


New Member
From what I understand, if the Pope is ill and feels he cannot properly execute the duties of his office, he can retire. I saw a few months back that he was dealing with some sort of illness. Considering how John Paul II dealt with his illness, I am surprised that this pope is handling it differently.


New Member
What a shocker, right? After 600 years! I'm worried about how the Pope's resignation would affect the Church and her "flock." I do hope that the new pope would be a good leader and would be effective in addressing old-age church issues.


New Member
I have seen this in the news, and I am aware that the last pope to step down was in the 15th century, but I confess that I'm a little surprised at all the fuss. If the man feels that he can no longer do the job, then he should be allowed to quietly retire, as in any other job. I'm not a Catholic, as you can probably tell.


New Member
I was surprised to hear of his resignation announcement as well. I agree that a pope in poor health should be able to retire, but it's just so rare that it shocks people.


New Member
The other day I read something about it but not enough to realize it wasn't a hoax. At first I thought it had to be since we never really heard of a Pope who retires but I guess it is better than feeling like he is neglecting his duties so I kind of understand it.
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New Member
I'm not Catholic, but my wife is and she isn't too happy about this. I think it's because she doesn't like to see change at the Vatican and she's worried this will set a new precedent for all future popes to retire when they are ill.


New Member
It's difficult to see everything you've come to depend upon prove that you can't really depend on those things either. Who would have thought it? I wonder what's next. We all take our country for granted, too. Is it on one of the lists in the not too distant future?


New Member
I think it is such a shock because in general Popes are all elderly and ill. They never retire. I think that we have all come to think of it as a lifetime appointment.


New Member
I was wondering what you thought of the new pope. I happened to catch it on the radio right when they announced who it was going to be. It sounds like he might bring about a lot of changes.


New Member
I actually haven't read up too much on him, yet, but from what I have heard, I think he's going not going to change anything major. I did like the fact that he has been said to be more of a people person. I'll have to research it a bit more.