The Voice


New Member
There are so many singing contests on TV nowadays. We used to watch American Idol but eventually got bored with it. Now, the family watches "The Voice" because of it's fresh take on picking the next singing sensation. :)


New Member
I'm sure there will be more shows of this kind and each one more original than the previous because audience gets bored with repeating concepts pretty fast.


New Member
I love The Voice and so do the kids. I'm more of a Blake fan and they like Adam. I think it's a totally different show then anything on TV right now. I am enjoying this season so far - it's still the battle round!


New Member
Here in Australia this show is going nuts in the ratings. Like, we've just finished the blind auditions and I think it's won out every night that it has aired.

Everyone I know who hates these 'talent' shows, myself included has gotten way into it.

I think my sister and I figured out that if the ratings figures are accurate about 1 in 5 Australians is watching it... :/

Great show.


New Member
We started out watching The Voice, but kind of lost interest in it. Our daughter is hooked on American Idol, however, so I usually end up taping Criminal Minds on the dvr or watching it in the study.


New Member
I also prefer that how to American Idol nowadays. I think it's probably more because of the judges though, than the contestants. I watched the show since season one and that season was shaky. This new season is starting to show a lot more promise, and I am guessing that because their judges are a lot more dynamic than the new panel on American Idol, that they will probably make good competition for them.