Too much exposure


New Member
What do you think about your kids being too exposed?

Let's face it, kids these days have instant access to almost everything (through the internet, TV, etc.) - violence, sex, and what-have-you's. Sometimes, I'm worried about what my children are learning from the games they play or the shows they watch. As parents, we can only guide them so much. We know we should trust our children to know what's right from wrong, but still, with so much going on in technology, you never really know, do you?


New Member
My daughter is still young, but we monitor what she watches and the games that she plays. She doesn't watch or play anything that has inappropriate materials. I know that out in the world she will see and hear things but as long as we keep an open dialogue with her about everything, I don't worry too much about it. She will know what is right and wrong because we have taught her how to make good decisions.


New Member
I think it makes us, as parents, have to step up our game and have to do more for our children then our parents had to do for us. In regards to monitoring the child's activities.


New Member
The problem we have had is that we monitor what our kids watch, but then they go to stay at a friends and the parents don't keep an eye on things. When our daughter was younger she watched a really scary movie at the neighbor's house one time and didn't sleep without the light on for months. The parents said their daughter watches those kind of movies all the time and didn't see what the big deal was.


New Member
The problem we have had is that we monitor what our kids watch, but then they go to stay at a friends and the parents don't keep an eye on things.
That's the thing, right, we try to do the best we can for our kids when they're at home. When they're outside, though, it's another story. We cannot supervise them all the time, even if we want to. We just have to trust that we've taught our kids enough to make the right choice when the time comes.