Too much for a 5 year old?


New Member
Our son is going to be in little league T-ball for the second year this summer. He has on average 3 games a week for ten weeks. My wife thinks this is too much for a five year old. What has been your experience with little league baseball schedules or other sports as well?


New Member
Three games a week does sound like a bit much for a five year old, but if he did it last year and enjoyed it then he should have fun again this year too. How often do they have practice?


New Member
My friend's 5 year old is also in T-ball. He has 2 games a week and 1 day of practice. I am not sure for how many weeks. It does seem to be a bit much, but I know this little boy loves it.


New Member
Wow- 3 games a week is a lot! My daughter played softball for years and she does not have 3 games a week and she is 13.
Do they have practices too? I also think 10 weeks is a long time to have games.


New Member
Since when did tball not just be only on the weekends? WOW. A ton has changed since I was a kid! 3 in a week is just about nutty.