Too much time online

Victor Leigh

New Member
I can relate, but mine aren't at the video game stage, so I have to force myself off the computer to play with them more. I feel bad about it, but I'm just not that into playing with little kids.
Ah, time flies, my friend, time flies. Before you know it, those little kids would be grown up and leaving the home. Then you will be wondering where they have all gone to. Now is the only time you have with the little kids.


New Member
I do monitor the time I spend on computer, usually not when children are at home. I am not avid in on line earning man and take the things very easily. Sometimes, I may just skip the whole thing.


New Member
I probably do spend too much time on line, especially on my work at home days, but at least then I can leave the house at anytime, which is better than the work-at-workplace days.

Jeremy Green

New Member
Do you think that you spend too much time online? I know that I do because I work online at home. I can't help it though, I have to make a living. I sometimes have headaches from reading so much online.
This echos my life because I also work online, and I get headaches from all the hours on the computer. I do enjoy the fact that I can do two things at once, which gives me some time with my children. I wouldn't have it any other way.


New Member
I'm always online working, so I know exactly what you mean. But, I love it. It's much better than being away at work for 8 or more hours a day. Plus driving, and gas, and eating lunch out everyday...I'm much happier at home.


New Member
I'm guilty as charged. I take atleast 12 hours a day online writing SEO articles. I even made a timetable to help me use the computer responsibly with breaks etc yet I have continued to break the same rules I made. I just don't see my love for the internet dying soon..Haha