Too old to start having kids?


New Member
Is 34 too old to start? If I get to making my first child and it is born when I'm 35, then I'll be 53 when he/she is 18. If I have a few kids, I might not be in enough shape to play sports and things with them. Well at least be decent at it. I don't want to miss that kind of stuff. Perhaps I'm blowing it out of proportion?:confused:


New Member
Naw, 34 is not to old to start having kids. I think that is a perfect time to have kids. You are old enough to have had fun and time to build a life and career but young enough to keep up.


New Member
No, 34 is just right. You are mature enough to deal with child rearing without going to pieces with every roadblock. I've seen senior men who still have kids with younger wives.


Staff member
I may soon be 34 and having another child. We are waiting until my sons next surgery before we try again. I am worried though, just like you, that I may be too old. Not only when they are 18, but I think kids should have their parents until at least 30. 18 is still young to me. I've learned some great stuff from my father the past few years, although he is still good, he is not as good as he used to be. I don't want to be too tired to help my children if they need it, or to teach them something.


New Member
I agree with all said above. There is no such thing as too old to have a kid. Even if there was, 34 year old wouldn't fall under the category.


New Member
I'll believe you guys. I just get weary of the what if's. Like what if I have a daughter and I miss her wedding. I mean I'll never know unless I go for it, but it seems weird. Many of my friends had kids in their early 20's. Unplanned most of them, but they were still before their physical peak.
I know I'm not an old man or anything, I know I can handle it now, but I was just looking at the future.

Firstdad, you've seen senior men having babies? But doesn't that create a high risk of birth defects at that age or does that fall on the womans age?