Treating each other different


New Member
I was told today actually that I treat my wife different when family is around. I tried to explain that she knows me inside and out so there is nothing extra to tell her. Our family lives far off, we see each other once a year if we are lucky. I do not think I am really that different when they are around, but she disagrees.


New Member
I am sure many people can relate to this, when we get around extended family that we hardly see we want to make sure we are looking and acting our best. Our spouses know us inside and out, top to bottom so there is no "front" to put on.


New Member
I think that it is kind of natural to behave differently toward others when we are one on one versus when we are in a more social situation. I wouldn't be too concerned about it.


New Member
I can relate to this. We have different masks to use when we are meeting different people. I haven't known many people who will always be themselves in any occasions.


New Member
I was told the same thing. Sometimes our wives know us inside out, as you said, and we don't want others to know us that well so maybe that's is why we behave like that. I know this explanation is not the best but I really feel this way.