Using Netflix instead of cable?


New Member
I read a few articles online and was curious if anybody tried it? It seems like a good idea tough, my Netflix subscription is way cheaper than my cable one that is for sure.


New Member
My wife swears we could do it. I watch a lot of sports though, so I would miss out on those. During the day though, they mainly watch Netflix or nothing at all.


New Member
It's not something I could do. I have heard of a lot of people doing it though. If you wouldn't be missing out on sports or current TV shows you could save a lot of money.


New Member
I use it sometimes but other times I will just flip through using the service that U-Verse has, works pretty good. This weekend we watched two movies and I like being able to pay one day and still have one or two more days to watch the flick if something comes up.


New Member
Netflix isn't the only alternative, there is Hulu and Amazon and if you are only interested in movies youtube seems to offer about 3000 ranging from .99$ to 2.99$. Like others have noted, if you are not one of those people that needs to see a show or a game right away, you could probably pull it off.


New Member
We rent a good bit but wow I can not believe the prices of movies these days, it makes me thankful that we do rent now instead of going out to see them.

I have used Amazon mostly for games lately as its pretty quick but I have no idea about the hulu you speak of. isn't that a hoop or something?


New Member
We use netflix and love it. We don't have regular tv just the one movie out at a time plan and all the streaming shows you want. We are currently doing a free trial of Hulu but so far netflix is way better.