Using the YMCA.


New Member
My wife has suggested that we get a family membership to the "Y". She wants us(me and her) to use the workout facilities and the kids can have the pool. Does anyone here belong to their local YMCA? Are their prices reasonable?


New Member
I haven't looked into it, but a buddy of mine has the family membership and loves it. He too uses it for the gym, but during the Winter, they go to the pool at least once a week with the kids.


New Member
Yes we are members of the YMCA. I get a great discount through my job. It costs us $22 a month for all of us. Our Y is not in the best shape right now but they are building a new one. I can't wait for the new one to be done.


Staff member
I believe the YMCA costs are based on income. A friend works there and that is what she told me, but they do have a cap. I think it was $60-$75 for the family plan. Not including any extra programs they have.


New Member
Our local Y is around $700 a year for full family membership.

They do offer "scholarships" that reduce the amount, based on income.

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New Member
It can get expensive depending on what your situation is. I like the Y here because they will watch the baby while the other kids are doing activities. That leaves me free for some me time.