

New Member
Anyone take a daily vitamin set that they like? I have been taking a set of vitamins for about 6 months and find I have more energy and feel better now than ever.


New Member
That sounds like a good habit to take vitamins daily. I am not really fond of it though. My vitamin intake is mostly from food (fruits and vegetables).


New Member
My wife makes me take cod liver oil and garlic capsules every day but then I have had heart attacks in the past so I'm taking medication and she reckons the cod liver oil especially will help too. I just do as I'm told!:p


New Member
I take a natural multi-vitamin along with a couple of herbs daily. If I have a specific problem, I'll take herbs for it. I also eat a healthy diet and try to avoid additives and preservatives as much as possible.


New Member
I have never really taken vitamins before as I always figured my diet was balanced enough to cover everything I needed. But lately I have been catching every little virus the kids bring home from school. Maybe it's time to get on the vitamin train.


New Member
I take a men's multivitamin and fish oil. My wife mentioned that she is going to get me something for joint health, but I haven't started taking that yet. I'm kind of like SamMo - I just do as I'm told, lol.