Well, We've Had Our First Injury

Jerry F

New Member
We've had our first injury of the coming spring season. My eldest son got out his skate board this afternoon and was riding it down the street. Unfortunately, he didn't miss the pot hole that was left from this winter's freeze/thaw. We just got back from ER and he has a broken bone in his left arm. He has a cast and an appointment to see the orthopedic doctor on Monday. Sheesh! They're starting earlier every year.


New Member
Oh my gosh! How terrible! I can't imagine what it must feel like to see your child break a bone. I've never had to deal with anything like that. I hope he heals fast!


New Member
Sorry to hear it. I hope he is right handed, which will help him be a little independent at least. I live in dread of my daughter hurting herself. Wishing him the best for a speedy recovery.


New Member
Oh my! That stinks... I'm glad he is ok but stinks for him to have to be in a cast! I hope he got to pick out a cool color anyway for his cast.

I hate those darn potholes!