What Do I Have To Do?


New Member
I know during the birth of the baby, I'm going to have to be supportive and help her out but what else is involved? I'm not too much on doctors and don't like to be in a hospital but for her and the baby, I will. What do I do guys?


New Member
Well the harder part is after birth, waking up in the middle of the night to see why the babby is crying, changing diapers and so on. It's not exactly a precis to do list since every baby is different, but be helpful and willing to learn and things will work out.


New Member
My wife didn't have a "normal" labor we had a c-section but I have heard from friends that the delivery room is kind of like a war zone. Do what she tells you and don't let anything she says hurt your feelings or make you angry. She doesn't mean it and as soon as she holds the baby she'll forget about most of the birthing experience.


New Member
Thanks guys. I've never been around a woman that's pregnant, at least in my family. I'm the youngest kid in my family and we grew up away from extended family. Of course Mom had friends who were pregnant but they didn't discuss things like this with me around. I want to do everything I can to help my wife when she has the baby. As far as talking mean is concerned, she already does that. Garage, just sayin'. :)