what do you do?


New Member
Right now I am working from home and taking care of some side jobs a friend suggested. It works well and I have time for my own side business which is starting to pick up. I a geek for a living and no I will not fix your computer (unless you ask nicely).


New Member
I do side jobs too and honestly most people do now with the way the economy is going. I am surprised this did not start up sooner, tons of people are working from home now and its crazy to think that years ago before the gas prices took a hike why no one did it then.


New Member
I need to make a friend who is a geek like yourself. :p It would be much easier when my computer acts up. I'm an inventory manager for a major health care supplies distributor. It's not the best, but it's a good steady job and I enjoy it for the most part.