What if you don't like their friends?


New Member
Have you ever been in the situation where you just didn't like the friends your kids have chosen? How did you deal with it?


New Member
This is a tough one. Luckily, as of right now I approve of all the friends both of my daughters have. I would like to think that both of my daughters are mature enough to set high standards when choosing friends, and we never run into issues.


New Member
It is a tough one, you can't choose your kids friends but you can stop them from hanging out with the wrong people (kids that get in trouble). You have to let your kids make their own friends and just keep talking to them.


New Member
Your point to "just keep talking to them" is a really good one I think. As a parent, I feel I have a responsibility to guide my kids---not own them. As long as no harm is being done, there's no need to be heavy handed on this. Thanks!


New Member
I guess it would depend on what exactly it is that I don't like about their friends. If it was something about them that I thought could do harm, then I would intervene somehow.


New Member
Yeah I have and I still allow my kids to be friends with them. I guess I am hoping that my kids will rub off on their friends and make the friends better too. It's a tough one for sure, you can't pick their friends but you can tell them who they can't hang out with.