When to stop


New Member
I am curious to know what others have done. I have a child that is 4 and still needs a nap during the day. This week he has been refusing and laying in his room for over an hour until I tell him to forget it. Then he is a cranky one the rest of the day. When should naps end?


New Member
It really depends on the child. Some children can have a one hour nap and then go to bed on time and be fine. Others need a 2 hour nap but then wont go to bed. My little one takes a three hour nap and still goes to bed on time.


New Member
My 6 year old still needs a nap if any activity for that evening requires his full attention. He's had some fall sports going on, on it's hard to bring him home from school and get him settled into a nap. But if he doesn't take one, getting him to focus and listen that evening is even more difficult.


New Member
I'd have to agree that it changes from child to child, my son stopped taking naps around when he was 2 years old, while my daughter still enjoyed them around 5. I remember reading somewhere that humans are actually programed to sleep twice a day.


New Member
My son is 5 and still takes naps regularly. It may only be a half hour or as long as 2 hours, but he takes them and it makes a clear difference.