Which way Pakistan shall go?


New Member
Nobody knows who rules Pakistan, a democratic govt, the army , the supreme court, or the Talibans.
Today, taliban militants attacked an army post near the Afghan border and killed nine soldiers and a prominent Taliban head was killed in Afghanistan.
In Pakistan, a family may have a son serving in army and another in Talibans.
What will happen to Pakistan only Allah knows!!:mad:


New Member
Only time will tell what fate has in store for Pakistan. I think although it is an increasingly volatile country, it will survive and get through the tough times.

Victor Leigh

New Member
From what I have learned from some of my Pakistani friends, there is a close relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan because many of the people along the border are Pathans. The tribal connection is likely to be stronger than artificial national demarcations as we can see from what is happening in Syria.


New Member
Pakistan is another country on the brink of revolution. I think the threat of religious extremism is overstated by the West, it is scaremongering. The majority of the people in Pakistan are not interested in extremist religion. They want food and jobs!


New Member
Hopefully one the nukes they are secretly building goes off and just levels that third world crap box so that someone can build a mall or a stadium or something in its place.


New Member
India is a immediate neighbor of Pakistan and when nukes goes into the hands of Talibans who care least for any country including their owns, India will be most affected. I suggest that Pakistan should be divided into four separate countries and Pakistani army must be disintegrated.


New Member
India is a immediate neighbor of Pakistan and when nukes goes into the hands of Talibans who care least for any country including their owns, India will be most affected. I suggest that Pakistan should be divided into four separate countries and Pakistani army must be disintegrated.
Dividing the country into even more countries would worsen the problem. Divide and conquer is the imperialist strategy. The reason Pakistan exists is because the English divided India and the rest is history. Further division would make matters worse!