Who is right?


New Member
Have you ever noticed that when it comes to arguments, in most relationships the mother always ends up being right? It seems like the kids always side with the mother because she has the best, nicest solution. It's hilarious.


New Member
That's probably often the case when the kids see more of their mother, so are used to her ways and ideas! I try to avoid disagreements that cause the kids to take sides, but I remember if we had different opinions on say a day trip, the kids mostly went with hers. She had more imagination than me at that time, so fair enough.


New Member
In our home I am the one that stays at home with the kids. At first it was a difficult adjustments but now I am the one who is always right, so to speak. So I think it is a case of which parent spends the most time with them.


New Member
Well when an arguments does get to the point that the kids need to take a side, I think it's time to take a step back and relax. As for making decisions, we try to make everybody happy.


New Member
We try to keep the kids guessing. If necessary, if one of us has consistently been "right", then the other will "let" the other parent be right. It all works out in the end.


New Member
I always try not to argue with my wife in front of the kids, it's not good for my reputation LOL. I wouldn't win as, like you said, she is always right.


New Member
My wife is always right also, which is not surprising. And I have no issue with that. In fact, I feel grateful for that. I am there to bring in the income and my wife is to decide what the best for us is.


New Member
Women have a more developed speech center, trying to win an argument against them without preparation is like trying to win a motorcycle race with a bicycle, you just know not to do it.


New Member
That's a good point David. But I think it's not that they always win the arguments. It's about them always being right with their suggestions, thoughts or decisions.