Why do children like rap?


New Member
Do kids who like rap have parents who like rap? I know that it is common for one generation not to like music of other generations. It is also common for kids to only listen to the music their parents listen to.

The other problem with rap is that many times it comes with extremely viol lyrics. Children who listen to that at a young age would probably grow up to be criminals, in my opinion.

I feel that controlling what music a young child listens to is another area where parents can have a major influence on their child. It is common for parents to control what a child watches on TV, why not parent the child's musical choices as well?


New Member
Kids like rap because it's 'cool' music. I appreciate some rap music with good lyrical content but I don't like the vast majority of rap music. There are 'conscious' rappers who avoid the common rap subject matter. I wouldn't have a problem with my son listening to this type of rap.


New Member
Rap is like any other genre; some can be good, some can be bad. Listening to it will not make a kid a criminal. There's much more to a person making bad choices than the music they listen to.


New Member
I agree with Tommy. I'm sure my parents hated my music growing up. I don't like any rap songs, but my wife does. My daughters like some of the songs, but only the ones where they can actually understand the words being said. Most are just gibberish to me.

Maybe I'm just pissed that these "singers" make millions of dollars just because they can talk really fast in a song. LMAO


New Member
I will listen to almost anything but I only enjoy some songs, I almost always dislike the artist or band (if I have to base my taste on them for every piece of work they have ever done). There are only about three bands that I truly adore to the point of listening to anything they have ever made.


New Member
You know, I remember what I was with it. Then, they changed what "it" is. Now, I'm no longer with it, and what is "it" seems strange to me.


New Member
You know, I remember what I was with it. Then, they changed what "it" is. Now, I'm no longer with it, and what is "it" seems strange to me.
Haha, I love the Simpsons. Everything in life can be related back to them.

Roncar, there is an art to rap. It's more than just talking really fast. Like any genre, though, there are some really bad artists and I can't understand why they are successful.


New Member
My parents didn't like my music when I was growing up. I try to be more open-minded about my children's music, but I confess I am not much of a rap fan. Thankfully, my son isn't old enough to have favorite and my daughter is hung up on Justin Bieber, so rap hasn't been an issue.


New Member
My kids are not into rap music, but I was, when I was a kid. Youngone is right, it is "cool" music, but for me it was just a phase I have outgrown. Right now, I can only stand the classics.


New Member
I don't think all kids like rap music, but not all rap music is violent either. However, I also think that it is a cop out for parents to say music, games and TV create criminals. If they were doing their jobs as parents, their kids would know the difference between right and wrong.


New Member
I don't think all kids like rap music, but not all rap music is violent either. However, I also think that it is a cop out for parents to say music, games and TV create criminals. If they were doing their jobs as parents, their kids would know the difference between right and wrong.
Our neighbor goes to a church where they have Christian rap music for the children on youth nights. All rap music is not bad. I just don't care for it and thankfully, as I mentioned before --- my daughter is more into the regular music that is popular right now.


New Member
Why do children like rap?

I don't know. Why did you like the stuff you liked when you were growing up?
You do have a point. Actually, there are three rap songs that I like.:confused: The Superbowl Shuffle by the 1985 Chicago Bears, Jam On It by Newcleus, and Just Buggin' by Whistle.

But rap today seems a lot more mean, nasty and violent when I hear it being played by people passing by in their cars. If they were playing Jam On It, then I might start dancing to it on the sidewalk:eek: instead of covering my ears.


New Member
Do kids who like rap have parents who like rap? I know that it is common for one generation not to like music of other generations. It is also common for kids to only listen to the music their parents listen to.

The other problem with rap is that many times it comes with extremely viol lyrics. Children who listen to that at a young age would probably grow up to be criminals, in my opinion.
Do you have some kind of statistics to support your belief that kids who listen to rap grow up to become criminals? I listened to rap growing up. So did all of my friends. Why are we going to become criminals because of rap?


New Member
Rap these days is evil

I cannot stand rap...it sickens me.
Its just about the evilest thing that I can think of. I don't let my kids listen to it at all.


New Member
I think they like rap due to peer pressure. The rappers seem like they are living this glorious life so some people look up to that. What they dont understand is that most of the stuff in the videos are just a facade. Those rappers rent most of their cars and most of them are broke and living off of credit. Children should look up to businessmen instead.