Wife Wants More


New Member
We have a 2 year old son and I love him more than life itself, but I'm not sure if I'm on the same page with my wife when she says she wants to have another child right now. It's not that I don't want another child at all, it's just that I really feel like we have our hands full with our 2 year old. I think he should be in kindergarten before the next one is born, but she says that's too large of an age gap between the two of them. What are everyone else's thoughts and experiences about age gaps between your children?


New Member
Well, it is a tricky situation, but you know what you and your wife really want the best. How old is your wife now? Is it possible that she thinks it would be too late to wait till the eldest is in kindergarten?


New Member
I think that when children are relatively close in age and are close to the same stage of development it's pretty easy to manage more than one. Some people feel that is double the work though.


New Member
It's a choice that you and your wife have to make and agree on. I think 2 years apart is a great way to have children. Kids are a handful when they are younger, but I think they will be closer if they are closer in age.