Will I get sleep?


New Member
I am worried. People tell me that I won't be getting much sleep when the baby is born. How am I going to be able to function if I can't get any sleep?


New Member
Not to worry my friend, you get used to the lack of sleep pretty quickly and your body learns to function with less. You think you won't be getting any sleep...think about your poor wife!


New Member
Don't worry so much about that, it happens to all parents, and most of them can get through this tough yet exciting period of life. If other parents can make it, why can't you?


New Member
It is also important to take turns with your wife and to ask for help from others. Do not expect as much time with your wife when the baby is little.


New Member
You'll get enough to get by, and just remember you will be getting more than your wife so don't complain about it in front of her....very, very, very BAD idea.


New Member
It's called life.... All parents go through this. You just have to change your sleep pattern. Each baby is different too, some sleep through the night with no problems and some don't.