Word Censors are set too high


New Member
The word censors are set a little too high. any word that includes the letters A S S in that order as in p.*** or gl.*** is being censored.


New Member
That's pretty funny. I guess I won't ask any questions about lawmowers or football questions about a quarterback's performance during the game. ;)


New Member
I had noticed that too but never thought anything of it. Surely having a word censor on is pointless anyway? This is a forum for grown men, I ***ume most have us have heard and even said worse than A S S.


New Member
I had not noticed either. That is funny! I guess forum owners are just trying to keep their boards clean. I guess I don't post too many words that have those letters in them.


New Member
I actually did notice this just the other day. I even deleted my reply and delisted because I thought is was just something I did, some button I accidentally hit or something like that. On this forum, I can no longer say I ***ume things or **** a gun. After I post this, it'll be interesting to see if I can say that I like to pet my ***** cat or talk about that bird called a "blue tit".


New Member
Hahahah, I noticed this but didn't really give it enough thought to start this thread. I was hoping someone would because it is ridiculous how it cuts out so many words that have no bad connotation at all...

Let me try one: ****-a-doodle-do


New Member
I've been trying to figure out why those asterisks were in some of the posts. I learned something new, Jason. I wish they'd turn up the word censors on my television channel.


New Member
Yes, I noticed that too and thought I made some mistake or someone did. When I figured out what happened, i just let it be. Funny, here we are grown up and fathers and we have to watch what we write. Good discipline, tho.


New Member
It bugs me when some places do it too especially for words like assume, you would think programmers could fix it so its part of a word and its excluded. Then again some forums are over run with F this and F that, its good to see a little censor.


New Member
Thanks for fixing that. Sometimes it cuts the words off and it can be a little difficult to read through quickly or decipher similar words. redickulous haha spelled it wrong


Staff member
It bugs me when some places do it too especially for words like assume, you would think programmers could fix it so its part of a word and its excluded. Then again some forums are over run with F this and F that, its good to see a little censor.
The problem is some people tend to abuse what they can do. I understanding cursing can be part of nature, but like you said, some places it seems to be every other word. Trying to keep it family friendly.