Work at home couples


New Member
I have been working from home for a couple of years now. My wife is thinking that she would like to do the same. Are there any other work at home couples out there? How has it worked out for you?


New Member
I have honestly never seen one but it does not mean they are mythical creatures that do not exist. I am sure its possible but if its anything like when my wife and I worked together in the past, we needed our own offices.


New Member
I work outside the home 5 days a week, and my wife works from home 4 days a week and works outside the home 3 days a week. I don't think it would do our relationship good if we were both at home with each other every day of the week.


New Member
I guess it's not a common thing for both spouses to be working from home. Since we would be working as a team on the business I started, I think it could work for us.


New Member
It suits me fine that we are not working together. Because we are both nervous type of people so hanging out together all day long may not be so good for us.