Your way or her way?


New Member
When you and your wife disagree about how to do something, do you usually end up doing it her way or does she give in and do it your way? We had some clutter in the spare bedroom that I wanted to sort through and actually get rid of. She just wanted it out of the bedroom, so she can put her craft table in there. Now, the boxes are in what we call the "library." It's a bigger mess than what we had before.


New Member
In our house, Ill be honest, my wife usually gets her way. Let me put it another way. I'm allergic to cats, but my wife loves them. She talked me into getting 3 cats in our 12 years together. Oddly, my allergies don't kick up when I'm around them.

But if I feel strongly about something and she knows it, she doesn't push me too hard. Then I get my way.


New Member
In my house I tell everyone I get my own way but it all boils down to picking your battles. I'm lucky because my husband is easygoing so I try to let him have his way if it's something I don't really feel strongly about.


New Member
It depends on the disagreement. Sometimes I will let my wife do what she wants to do because I can't be bothered to continue the argument over something trivial. When it's something I consider to be important I will stand my ground.


New Member
She gets her way because she knows how to push my buttons and get me really pissed off so that I just end up giving in.


New Member
It depends on what kind of issue we're at. Usually, I get my way when it comes to disciplining the kids,


New Member
It depends on what issue we're in. If it's about disciplining the kids, then I get my way. If it's about the family budget, it's my wife's way. If it's something we have to talk about in-depth, we weigh the pros and cons and come up with a unified solution.


New Member
It's usually my way. But she tends to be a real baby about it when she can't get her way. So I like to throw her a bone at times, and just cave in. Gotta let the grown baby get what she wants sometimes. lol


New Member
My wife expired some two years back and now my daughter in law i.e. my elders son's wife is in charge. I just tender my request and she would see that they are met in her own style. No problem.


New Member
In the house, my wife is the boss. She's the only person who decides what goes to what or what will be the furniture's arrangement. Though sometimes I do criticize some of them in which eventually leads to a heated

R. Paradon

New Member
I have not been married in quite a long time but when we could not agree on something we would try to weigh the pros and cons of the issue. At times we would agree to both do something or own way and see who came up with the better idea. But when there was something that was important, I would usually take charge as I was a bit more mentally stable then she. Not putting her down...but reality is reality! btw we were divorced in 1977 and still remain friends.


New Member
My brother-in-law, my sister's husband, once called me the most laid back person he has ever met. There are very few things that I actually put up a fight about. So, I think for this reason, if I want my way on something, my wife doesn't give me a hard time about it. Because, for the most part, she gets her way on most everything else.


New Member
I think we have a pretty good balance here and no one is getting their way all of the time. We try to find a compromise if we can so that everybody is getting what they need.