Recent content by Lefty

  1. L

    Healthy Snacks

    We have had discussions for years about what to do about our diets when the kids came along. We both are junk food junkies but I have a high metabolism and my wife just doesn't indulge. So when they came along, we decided we would switch off to fruits and veggies for snacks unless the kids...
  2. L

    Video games are not family time

    Jason-we do the same thing. We have a board game night where we rotate who gets to pick the game. Right now it's Chutes and Ladders and Toss Across which I realize isn't a board game but the kids like it. When they get older we will hopefully move on to Monopoly and the like. We do pizza for a...
  3. L

    She is not getting better :(

    I do to but there comes a time for every one of us to die. It's inevitable. I hate to see people pass on too but that's the way we are made. One of my friends from high school lost his Mom today too. I hate it but it happens. It's up to use to deal with it the best way we can and help our...
  4. L

    What makes you cave in the fastest?

    It's extremely hard to say no or not let them get their way. But look at it this way. The more you stick to your guns now, the easier it will be when they get to be teens. I was a hellion when I was a teen and did a lot of things my parents didn't know about. I'm an expert at what kids will get...
  5. L


    Never! They are supposed to stay small forever. If she wants to when she gets to 14 or 15 I'll take her to a beauty shop so they can do it properly. I would rather she survive with a few eyebrows left where they are supposed to be.
  6. L

    bed time

    It really depends upon the child a lot too. If they are under school age, we tried to get ours into bed around 7:30 to 8p. When they reached school age 8:00 to 8:30. Even when they are teens they go to bed around 9:30 to 10p. I think it's essential for kids to get enough sleep, even teens who, I...
  7. L

    53 and now a family!

    It'll work itself out for you. Just let her take the lead for a while and ask if you are unsure. Since they will be step children, you really need to sit down with your intended and figure out how much responsibility you need to assume with parenting.
  8. L

    Baby Slings

    That is so cool! I was watching a movie the other night and one of the ladies who had a baby in the story had one. Her's was beige though and it looked wider than this. It would sure help a lot with the arm fatigue.
  9. L

    Ok, so maybe not

    Awww Man! Congratulations! Relax, you aren't taking anything away from your little girl. Each baby is different as is each pregnancy. I'm glad your little one is going to have a brother or a sister to play with. It's really hard growing up as an only child.
  10. L

    Teens and Drugs

    My teen brother has always been a screw up. I'm not just saying that because he is my little brother but he has always made the rest of the family worry, fret, wait, just about anything he can get by with. Well, Mom called me the other day and told me he had gotten busted for possession of...
  11. L

    What Do You Think About the Leashes?

    Yeah, well it certainly made a difference when we were at the theme park. There were crowds and crowds of people and he didn't get away from us. I would rather have been perceived as a jerk than to lose my child in that crush of people.
  12. L

    Southwest Bumps Thin Woman from Flight to Make Room for Plus-Sized Teen: Was It Fair?

    Well, I hate to say it but she was on standby. If she wasn't it probably wouldn't have been an issue. So whoever is on standby has the less than pleasant task of leaving if the seat is needed. You know the kid has to fly with his/her family so I can see it. It isn't fair, but then the world...
  13. L

    What makes you cave in the fastest?

    Honestly, I've had to stop doing that. I was butter in their hands when they started to cry but I finally realized what they were doing and stopped. Even though it is hard, when they don't deserve what they are wanting, they don't get it.
  14. L

    A day at the park

    We usually didn't go to the park until Mom was home. It took both of us at the time to watch our three. Of course when they were smaller my first wife stayed at home so she would wait until I came home and then we would pack dinner and go to the park. It helped a lot to let them blow off...
  15. L

    Working around children

    Honestly, when the kids were little my first wife was a stay at home mom. When they got to the age the oldest could take care of the other two, she went to work. I would suggest though that you try to involve the little one in playing office when daddy is in the office. Give her pencils...