Recent content by Sammie

  1. S

    What do you do to exercise?

    I mostly lift weights. My wife is always on me about doing some type of cardio, but I really just don't feel like it. I've been hinting around that I want a Total Body Gym for my birthday next month...I'll let ya know how that goes :)
  2. S

    Why all the 3D movies?

    I don't see what all the hype is about myself, but then again, I haven't seen anything in 3D recently. My son has just started getting into the Harry Potter thing and he found out the other day that the new movie that is coming out in November will also be released in 3D so he's all excited. I...
  3. S

    Bucket List

    Nope, me either. Unless you count hitting the lottery :D My goals are simple - live everyday to the fullest and enjoy my time here. Maybe when I'm 70 I'll feel different and come up with some crazy stuff I want to do.
  4. S


    Nine puppies, man. Well, you're a good person for taking them in. I don't think a couple of dogs is too many as long as your house and your property can support it. My kids both have pets and I think it's good for them. They learned young how to care for them and that pets aren't just some...
  5. S

    Sleepless nights

    "Drag" is the appropriate word. I think I was pretty much comatose for the first few months. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that it couldn't last forever. I knew that one day I was going to wake up to sunshine and realize that...ta da...the little bugger had slept through the...
  6. S

    Did you want to be a dad?

    Nope. Well, let me re-phrase that - I didn't want to be a dad at the time that my first wife got pregnant. She knew it, but she stopped taking the pill anyway. My plan was to wait a while, build up some equity in the house, advance my career a little, and just generally get myself more settled...
  7. S

    What is your homepage?

    I set mine to Yahoo because that is who most of my email accounts are with. Although I was thinking I should switch it to this site since I've been spending so much time here lately :D
  8. S

    Helping step mothers

    Is your wife a step mother? We know how difficult it can be some days to be a step dad so how do you help your wife cope with your kids from the previous marriage? We've had some snafus with my son and my wife, but for the most part he knows better than to give her a hard time. That said, I...
  9. S

    Male menopause is 'rare' but it is not a myth

    Lord help my wife if I fall into the 2%, lol. I don't see me being the type of guy to have a midlife crisis, but I guess there is no telling what your hormones are going to do to you. And once those levels change, you can't really go back to normal without treatment.
  10. S

    Going back to school

    Have any of you guys ever gone back to school, either to get your first degree or to get a better one? I think about it pretty often, but I just don't know when I could possibly fit it in. Even if I did something online, it would have to be late at night or in the wee hours of the morning.
  11. S

    Bringing friends?

    When I was growing up my family owned a vacation home in Florida and once I got to be about 12 or 13 I was always allowed to bring a friend. Only one at a time, but even if we were gone for a week or two I had someone there to hang out with. And the friends I invited along usually invited me on...
  12. S

    Are you the main earner in your family?

    My wife works from home now and I'm cool with that. She had to work when she was with her ex, but her desire has always been to be available for the kids so when we got married I said go for it. I'm kind of an old fashioned guy in that sense anyway so I had no problem supporting her wishes.
  13. S

    What's The Worst Thing You Have....

    That is truly tragic, Kromer. I am so sorry for your loss. I would imagine that a parent would be a shell of a person after losing a child, no matter what age. I am grateful that I haven't had anything like that happen...and I pray it never does.
  14. S

    Making A Difference

    I think you need to stand your ground on this one. They need discipline and cannot be allowed to simply run free at your house. They may cause some trouble for a while by exercising their right not to visit, but I find that in the end, when kids become adults they migrate toward the parent that...
  15. S

    Meeting someone

    Avelino has a good point. There are lots of people out there, both men and women, who can't afford to get divorced. I have a neighbor who is going through that right now. There are organizations out there that will help you and lawyers who will offer pro bono or discounted services to those in...