Are you the main earner in your family?


New Member
I grew up with the belief that the father is the main breadwinner. So now, in my family, I am and that's what I am comfortable with. My wife works part-time, but if she wanted to stay at home, I would work it out so she could.

Do you share the thinking the the father should be the main earner in the family? If your wife made enough money, would you be a stay at home dad?


Staff member
Right now yes. The wife is in school. Her family though has a lot of stay at home mothers.


New Member
I think in this economy it's good to have both parents working. I wouldn't mind if my wife made more money than me. She makes great money too, as do I. I say the more, the better!


New Member
My wife works from home now and I'm cool with that. She had to work when she was with her ex, but her desire has always been to be available for the kids so when we got married I said go for it. I'm kind of an old fashioned guy in that sense anyway so I had no problem supporting her wishes.


New Member
Of course, I'm earning more than my wife. Actually, we are both working now to support our family. My wife started her new job as Accountant last month. She told me that she's bored at home so I allowed her to work. The company offered her a good income though.:)


New Member
As of now, I am the main earner in our family. Before my wife got pregnant with our first child she did work outside the home. Ever since she was pregnant she's been a stay at home mother.


New Member
Currently yes, and I am very happy to have family to be responsible for. But I would have no issue if some day the wife made more money than I did.


New Member
My wife makes more than I do. It doesn't bother either one of us. We believe long as the bills are paid that is what matters. When our baby is born I don't know what we are going to do as of yet she still wants her career. If that changes than we will do what we have to so that she is happy.


New Member
Yeah currently we live mainly on my income though my wife, being a freelance worker also contribute a lot to pay the bills. I feel really happy with the situation. I wouldn't even mind if my wife stop working and I was the only person bringing money home.