Recent content by SilverVeil

  1. S

    Working Abroad

    My brother works across the country, literally, from his family. He gets paid $27 per hour with perdiem for living expenses. He sees them on long weekends and holidays. Not sure if I think even that's worth the time away.
  2. S

    Did you want to be a dad?

    I come from a large family. I have lots of brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. My niece was born just after I got married and I remember saying "I want one of these".
  3. S

    What makes someone a good parent?

    Selflessness makes a good parent and selfishness makes a poor parent. Someone who routinely puts their wants in front of the needs of their child is not a good parent. Parents sacrifice to the needs of their children. And a parent is someone a child needs to raise them a friend is someone...
  4. S

    Boyfriends and how to deal with them

    You bet there is. What is a boyfriend and why? Good friends don't have to be screened. Candidates for more than friendship require screening. If they're not looking for friendship what are they looking for? I'm all for getting into their personal business.
  5. S

    Fighting Boredom

    We live on about 15 acres. When I get a chance to go outside, I can take my pick from mowing the lawn, fixing the goat pen or duck pen or chicken coop. I'd like to be bored.
  6. S

    track your kid

    I don't know. I have a teen aged son. I don't think I would. I didn't use anything for his older brothers and sisters. If they're going to find the wrong things to do, they'll do it if you monitor them or not. Also, I think that sends a message that you might not trust them to make the...
  7. S

    Spare time

    You can go and find the park you and the guys used to hang out in a shoot hoops, You can call up a few friends and play cards, Go hang out and someone elses house
  8. S

    What about umbilical cord blood?

    With all the talk about stem cell research and umbilical cord blood, what are your views on saving the after birth for research? What do they do with it if it's not donated specifically for this type of research?
  9. S

    Spring break

    My brother uses our relatives. Some live in different cities and some live in the country. City relatives go to museums and zoos and country relatives harvest crops, tend animals and swim in streams. He just needs to get everyone to take a week and he's good until school starts again.
  10. S

    Getting close, getting anxious

    Thanks. A different track, huh? Does it eventually stop at the same station? We haven 't found out what it is, the wife wants a surprise. Like this needs to be more dramatic.
  11. S

    Getting close, getting anxious

    It's almost that time and I'm getting anxious. I want to be as much help as I can but I'm also waiting for things to get back on track. Is that going to happen? I'm going to help as much as I can, but sometimes I think I'm going to be left out.
  12. S

    Single fathers or single mothers?

    I think it's equally hard. The mother and father both bring their specialty to the table. And while either can perform without the other, that special something is going to be missing.
  13. S

    Male menopause is 'rare' but it is not a myth

    Male menopause does happen, it's commonly called mid-life crisis. Its the point in life when they feel a lessening of themselves. This is hormonal. Young boys have the reverse, they think they're invincible. Older men, in menopause, compensate by making a visual showing of their manhood...
  14. S

    How do you handle please don't go to work?

    My children watch Caillou. On one of his episodes he cries about going to the daycare and his father calls in half a day. He called it a compromise, one half day of day care for one half day of work. What do you think?
  15. S

    Having the kids help cook dinner?

    Sure, have them help out. Six year olds can open cans, peel onions, measure out rice or pasta. I let my kids do the prep work, never work the stove. Setting the eating area and preparing the plates is also a big deal to them.