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  1. R


    If I was forced to choose one food to eat everyday it would be cheese. I can't get enough of it and try to find a new one to sample every couple of weeks. Any other cheese fiends out there?
  2. R

    Sling or stroller?

    Or perhaps both? I am thinking a sling is better because I can get around town with the baby but my wife likes strollers more. I will say that I don't like the slings where the baby is behind the parent.
  3. R

    TV time

    How much TV do you allow your kids? I limit it to an hour a day, though often they watch less as they prefer to do other things.
  4. R

    How do you structure your day?

    I am quite interested in switching out with my wife so she can work for a while outside of the house. I will be able to take a semi sabbatical but would still need to do some paid work from home. I would like to know how you divide your time between child/house care and your own projects.
  5. R

    How involved are you?

    Just wondering, to what extent you guys are (or have been) involved in the pre-natal process? Do you go to clinic appointments or birthing classes? My wife is leaving it up to me to decide how much I get to.
  6. R

    Amazing surprise

    So last week I mentioned that my wife and I were talking about adding to our family with a shared biological child. Turns out my wife was waiting for test results to confirm her suspicions and yesterday she gave me the most amazing news. Yep - we are going to have a baby! :D
  7. R

    Step grandparents

    Do your parents refer to your step children as 'step grandkids'? I don't tend to use the prefix as I feel it suggests a distance that is not my reality. My Mom used to use it but she has stopped now.
  8. R

    Bagged lunches

    My oldest child usually eats lunch at school and I'm happy with what they serve there. The odd time he needs to take a bagged lunch and I always struggle between healthy food and not making him feel left out of the treats his friends share around. How do others manage this situation?
  9. R

    Stocking up on medicines

    I really try to eat healthily and watch my alcohol intake all year but xmas tends to send me out of whack. I get indigestion from the rich food and headaches from the extra booze. I've just made sure our medicine box is fully functioning in preparation for the next few days!
  10. R

    Best time to have a baby

    I have two lovely step kids and recently my wife and I have talked about having a baby of our own. We've been together quite a long time and are very settled. I feel it is now or never, as the children we share are still young. Am I being naive? Is it better to wait until they are more independent?
  11. R

    Dealing with questions about their 'other' dad.

    I have two step children under eight. their biological father died when they were small and I have been in their lives for (in their perception) pretty much forever. We've never hidden the fact that I married their mother after they were born but recently the elder child has become curious. I am...