Best time to have a baby


New Member
I have two lovely step kids and recently my wife and I have talked about having a baby of our own. We've been together quite a long time and are very settled. I feel it is now or never, as the children we share are still young. Am I being naive? Is it better to wait until they are more independent?


New Member
All I can say is that it takes two to Tango. When you are both on the same page on the decision and all the repercussions, would be a great time......


New Member
It's never too early or too late to have kids. I say go for it no matter what's the situation. Many of my friends waited a long time for various reasons and all of them are now sorry for not having them earlier.


New Member
Thanks for the advice. The subject is very much on the agenda and I am starting to think we should just go for it. You are right to say that there is never a perfect time.


New Member
It was the same thing with me and my wife. We both have careers and we delayed having kids for more than 5 years. And now we're both asking ourselves why we didn't have them earlier.