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  1. K


    We have been watching the Olympics. I am not sure what we will watch after they are over! Our favorites are gymnastics & swimming. The track and field events can get pretty intense as well.
  2. K

    School shopping

    It really is crazy how much they need. My son just waits until the first day of school to do any school shopping. Why? Because, most teachers want specific sized binders and other supplies. There is no other option then to wait until after the first day is over. My daughter on the other hand is...
  3. K

    Would You Breastfeed?

    I can't say that I would have ever opted to breastfeed. While it is possible for men to breastfeed, it just isn't something I would do. Honestly, I feel that it is something that the mother should do for her baby. That is their special bonding time.
  4. K

    Family breakfast

    I can not even tell you the last time our family has all sat down and ate breakfast together. It doesn't happen very often. During the week I eat breakfast around 7. No one else is up. And, of course, during the weekends everyone sleeps in & wakes up at different times. It's nearly impossible to...
  5. K

    Almost done with the semester

    Congratulations Bear! That's fantastic news. Finals week is always the worst! My daughter is just about ready to start her sophomore year in college. It's crazy how fast time can really go.
  6. K

    Gearing up for the Olympics

    I always seem to catch a few of the events. For instance, right now some of the swimming races are on & earlier was synchronized diving. I love watching that kind of stuff! I could care less about boxing or table tennis though. It's very hit or miss whether I will be interested.
  7. K

    Giving "the eye"

    I don't do this much now, as my kids have gotten older and normally don't do things that are too terribly rude or make me mad, but when they were little I used it. Does anyone else give their kids "the eye" as a warning to them to stop doing whatever they shouldn't be doing? Does it work with...
  8. K

    Kids and Manners

    It sounds like your daughter is starting to get a bit moody. My daughter was the exact same way around that age. We found that giving a warning, and giving her "the eye" was pretty effective. Since then, she has definitely grown out of the back-talking and snappy attitude. However, she hasn't...
  9. K

    Tomatoes everywhere!

    That's great for you! I wish that we would have such good luck with our tomato plants. The past few years, we had such bad luck that we just gave up completely on growing our own. It was barely worth it for us.
  10. K

    Getting your exercise in

    I work all day, when I get home sometimes I will go outside and throw a ball around with my son. By that time, it's normally not too terribly hot outside & I get a little bonding time with my son. Sometimes, my wife and I will go for a walk around dusk as well. Also, on the weekends, I wake up...
  11. K

    Setting Allowance

    My wife and I never gave our children an allowance. Growing up, I never had an allowance and neither did my wife. Therefore, we never felt the need to give our children an allowance. Why should we pay our kids to help us around the house? That's part of being a family, helping each other out!
  12. K

    YouTube Madness

    I am not normally often on YouTube unless one of my kids is showing me some funny video they found. However, my kids are a different story. They can sit on YouTube for hours on end just watching video after video after video. I don't get it! Wouldn't it get boring and tiresome after a while?
  13. K

    Talking while you are on the computer

    I know what you mean too! It's almost as if they wait for me to get to the computer and begin doing whatever it is I am doing, then everyone in the house needs my attention! I have learned that if I get on early enough in the morning or late enough at night, I am not bothered often.
  14. K

    Making kids eat

    At this point, our kids will eat just about anything. However, many years ago my son would only eat peanut butter & jelly sandwiches with baked beans. It was the only thing he would eat! Then, it just seemed like he grew out of it, and became more adventurous.
  15. K

    Chiropractic treatment?

    I have been to the chiropractor more times than I can even count. It really does work, and make you feel better. Unfortunately, I have not been to a chiropractor in over a year. Ours got very sick and ended up dying. :(
  16. K


    Before my son was too young to help with yardwork, I would just do it all. I never picked a specific day, just whatever day worked the best for me. Now, sometimes my son will mow the lawn and weedwack the entire yard while I am off at work. I love it when he does that! It makes me very proud.
  17. K


    I wouldn't say that I ever forced my kids decision to do sports or not. Back in the day, I enjoyed playing golf, baseball/softball, and a little football. My son plays baseball, basketball, and is getting into the sport of golf as well. I guess you could say that I somewhat influenced him.
  18. K

    Those Nasty Wisdom Teeth!

    My oldest child just had her wisdom teeth taken out earlier today. She was obviously nervous, who wouldn't be? I think she handled it pretty well. My wife and I both found it quite funny that once she was in recovery she asked "Where'd my tongue go? Why'd they cut it out?". She was a little...
  19. K

    Ordering pizza

    We more or less order the same thing every time, with little variation. We normally order or go out to eat pizza for special occasions only. However, when it becomes terribly hot and we are in the middle of a heat wave, we are likely to order pizza instead of turning the oven on and making our own.
  20. K

    The Chronicles of Narnia

    I still remember reading the first book way back in elementary school. Well, I didn't read it. One of my teachers did! I watched all of the videos when they came out, and loved all of them. However, the first is my all time favorite.