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    Doing your own research

    You have to be careful with any research online. So many times you'll get to these sites which are there just to sell you someone or something.
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    The Pope is retiring?

    I actually haven't read up too much on him, yet, but from what I have heard, I think he's going not going to change anything major. I did like the fact that he has been said to be more of a people person. I'll have to research it a bit more.
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    ROUGH month!

    It always seems like when one thing goes wrong, it triggers an avalanche of problems. It's hard when both my wife and I are under the weather. At least when it's only one of us, the other can pick up the slack.
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    Icky produce

    I never have any luck with strawberries, but it surprises me that your grapes went bad so fast. We have started buying smaller quantities with more trips to the market, because all the produce has looked rough.
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    Potty mouth.

    Well, see, the main problem is that while I don't think the words are appropriate to throw in any old conversation, my son isn't cursing. He literally using potty words like "pee" and "poo". He hasn't tried to cross that line of using any curse words in talking to his mother or I.
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    Criminal Minds

    We used to watch this show every week, but now we only catch it once in a while. It's interesting but I feel like it's one of those shows you can pick up and watch any time.
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    Wife Took Day Off

    My wife and I each took the same day off a couple weeks ago and it was great. We got the kids off to school and then just relaxed with the newspaper and some coffee. Later we went out to lunch and did some errands. It was just nice not to feel rushed or have to be somewhere.
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    Saw OZ this past weekend.

    I have to say I was pleasantly surprisised be Oz:The Great and Powerful. I thought it did a nice job telling it's own story and still connecting it to the original Wizard of Oz. Anyone else see this movie or are you planning on going to see it?
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    When my girls were younger they used to ask me to color with them, but they've grown out of that. My son is more into playing with his trains and Legos than coloring.
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    Fish dying

    You might want to consider buying one of those complete set-ups in a box. They usually come with the tank, air pump and filter system, as well as a few decorations. The most important thing they come with is a video on setting up and maintaining the tank and water.
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    Potty mouth.

    Seriously, my son is at that at that age where he thinks throwing in bathroom words into any conversation is hysterical. My wife really dislikes it, while I sometimes have to bite my lip to keep from laughing at him. I keep telling her it's just a phase, testing boundaries and the like...
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    Hospice care.

    It's great to hear that hospice takes care of so much. I know my friend is hoping to keep her mom home, so hearing that they come in and take care of equipment as well as help out with care-taking I'm sure will be a big relief.
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    Museum Membership

    The kids do love the museum. There's something in it for everyone, and the fact that the kids learn things along the way is so cool to me.
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    Need To Get Away

    My wife and I do the same thing. Also, thanks to some family nearby, my wife and I are able to get a couple of weekend getaways, just the two of us. It does make a difference to be able to take a break.
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    Hospice care.

    My friend's mom is dying from liver cancer and the doctors are talking to them about her going into hospice. Has any of you had any experience with someone in hospice care? What are some things that they take care of? What kind of things can my friend expect?
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    Horrible movies lately

    My wife and I are fans of both McCarthy and Bateman, but she was thinking that this would be a wait until it's out on video movie. Maybe I'll try your method, and see if I can talk her into seeing it for a date night.
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    NHL - excited

    I'm not a huge fan, but a few of my friends are into it big time. It's getting to be a hot topic here in Chicago because the Blackhawks have gotten off to such a great start. It won't mean anything though, if they blow it and don't win the cup.
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    High price of snacks

    We cut way back on snacks and sweets a few years ago when grocery prices went up across the board. Now we'll really only buy something when we catch a good sale or are having people to the house.
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    Money talk

    I think this is exactly on target. She might keep bringing this up because she's worried about it and doesn't think you're really taking it seriously.
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    Stupid Sports At The Olympics?

    That surprises me that they are dropping wrestling, but I guess now it's all about what they can sell. If people aren't buying the tickets and watching on television then they can't make money off of it.