Hospice care.


New Member
My friend's mom is dying from liver cancer and the doctors are talking to them about her going into hospice. Has any of you had any experience with someone in hospice care? What are some things that they take care of? What kind of things can my friend expect?


New Member
I'm really sorry to hear that! I could be wrong, but I thought Hospice came to the home. The few people I knew who had Hospice care were basically going home to die. Once Hospice comes in, it's the end of the road and they're pretty much only there to keep the patient comfortable and help with their basic needs.


New Member
There are hospice homes too. The people take care of you. They make you comfortable for your last days. My gram had hospice come into her home and they were simply amazing people.


New Member
My wife's father died back in 2009 and an in-home hospice came in to help take care of him. They're wonderful people and will go to almost any length to make sure their patients are comfortable. They provided a bed for my father-in-law to sleep on (one of those with push-button controls to make the head and the feet move up and down) along with an oxygen tank, a wheelchair, and prescription medications for pain and other issues he was having.


New Member
They're wonderful people and will go to almost any length to make sure their patients are comfortable. They provided a bed for my father-in-law to sleep on (one of those with push-button controls to make the head and the feet move up and down) along with an oxygen tank, a wheelchair, and prescription medications for pain and other issues he was having.
It's great to hear that hospice takes care of so much. I know my friend is hoping to keep her mom home, so hearing that they come in and take care of equipment as well as help out with care-taking I'm sure will be a big relief.


New Member
We have a good friend here in town who runs our local Hospice service. He goes out of his way to find caring, gentle and experienced workers. I've often said I hope he outlives me so I can depend on his taking care of things for me. I'm serious. There's a lot of physical pain in those last months for so many people.