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  1. T

    Kramer vs Kramer

    I know it's an old movie. Still, starring Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep, it is one of my favorite movies ever. From the touching and inspiring movie I can learn how hard it is to be a single parent of a child. What is your favorite movie?
  2. T

    Natural treatment

    When you get a health problem, do you go for medical treatment or natural remedies? I am fond of anything natural and I would rather find natural treatment than the medical one for my health problems.
  3. T

    Mother and wife

    My mother and wife are the most significant women in my life. I am happy they love and respect each other, and there hasn't been any conflict between them which we couldn't manage. What about yours?
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    Boys and girls

    Do you have gender preference for you children? Do you prefer to get boys or girls? Personally it doesn't matter for me, though I would love to have children of both sexes.
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    The biggest concern

    When it comes to your health, what's your biggest concern as a father and husband? What is the health problem you try to get rid of the most?