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  1. J

    School pictures

    We're thinking about taking our daughter to one of those photo studios that you see in Wal-Mart. The last time I checked, it was cheaper then what the company that goes to her school charges. She'll get the social interaction of taking her picture there, but we just won't order a package.
  2. J

    Daily fluid intake

    If I'm not working a lot, 4 12 oz. glasses are good for me. But if I exert myself more than normal, I need about twice that much. I kind of play it by ear.
  3. J

    Rewards or punishments.

    We try to keep the rewards and punishments on a level field so to speak. We try not to overdo either one. We don't know why exactly, it just seems right somehow.
  4. J

    Father-Son Bonding in the Family

    If I had one, I'd read to him a lot and take him with me when I'm doing my property management duties. I'd also teach him how to be the best Quarterback in the N.F.L. :]
  5. J

    34 Am I getting old?

    My youngest daughter is 11, and I'm 45. I think between the ages of 30 and 35 is the perfect time to have children. You're mature, you've settled down, and there's still time left to enjoy the grand kids.
  6. J

    School Bus

    Put some kind of mini recorder on him. audio, visual, anything. This will eliminate any doubt in anybody's mind of something that happened, when you proof that it happened.
  7. J

    Gift idea for Christmas

    Now that's a pretty neat idea McGregor, I like that. Kind of a modern version of a photo album? You look back at it years from now and remember the changes.
  8. J

    Difference between an iPhone and aniPad?

    It's just a variation on a theme, that's all. The younger generation seems to think that if something is different, it's better. That's not necessarily the case though.
  9. J

    Empty Nest.

    I know it's going to be awhile for me, but what do you other fathers plan to do when you finally get an empty nest.? Travel? Relax? Adopt more?:D
  10. J

    Caffeine allergies

    Does anyone know of anybody who is allergic to coffee/caffeine? Does the allergy affect different people in different ways? I drink a lot of coffee and i was just curious.
  11. J

    Hallowen costumes

    Does anyone take their kids trick or treating anymore? If you do, what kind of costume will they be wearing this year? What will you go as?
  12. J

    Getting along

    Do you feel that you and your wife, or your significant other, get along better when you're more financially stable? Or does it not make a difference?
  13. J

    Mood music

    If you're in a funk, or irritable, do you listen to certain types of music to help get you out if it? Right now I'm listening to "Satisfaction Guaranteed" by The Firm, and it's helping a lot.:)
  14. J

    Feeling tired all the time.

    What can a guy do, what kind of foods should he eat, to build up some body strength and some energy when he doesn't eat like he should.
  15. J

    False accusations

    What is the best line of defense for a father who only see's his sons on the weekends, and the wife making allegations of sexual abuse? It's at the point where CPS is involved now.
  16. J

    Getting "fixed"

    I haven't even considered it yet to be honest. I guess the wife and I always assumed that when something like that happens, it will happen to her, and she has no problem with that.
  17. J

    General Douglas McArthur and Fatherhood

    Amen to that Sid. That was back in the day when men actually spoke up for what they believed in, and weren't embarrassed or ashamed. You're right, men need to speak up more.
  18. J


    I think she was about 5 or 6. She was so small, I think she was a bit intimidated by the size of everything, and didn't like it too much.
  19. J

    Quick meals

    Tuna casserole is easy. My version is mac and cheese, with tuna and peas mixed in. The microwave lasagna is pretty good to. It comes in a family size that can feed a lot of people.
  20. J

    Who makes more?

    We both make about the same. We've been together so for long now that we don't see the money as his and hers. It's ours.