8 year old and Britney spears


New Member
My 8 year old daughter went to a sleep over and came home with lyrics to a Britney spears song, "Womanizer". I am a little put off by this, now she sings it non stop. How should I handle this?


New Member
Heh, well I can not say I would be thrilled. My daughter sings Hana Montana and the songs by that girl who is in the show about a family of wizzards. Maybe you can get her some of those cd's, they seem like much better role models.


New Member
It will pass eventually when newer and more popular songs come around, but if you're really worried about her possibly believing the messages of this song or any other songs that she starts singing, perhaps you should try to talk to her about how invested she really is in those lines of thought.

You can suggest other artists, but be forewarned - banning Britney will just make her start hiding her music choices from you, then you'll never know what she's listening to.