A Better World?


New Member
Do you think you are leaving your child a better world than you had growing up? When your child turns 18 or whatever age you think it will be on their shoulders to navigate life fully, do you think it will be easier than it was for you?

With the economy and war and all the things that plague America and other countries what is the out look for your children when they grow up?

Victor Leigh

New Member
I would like my grandchildren to grow up in a better world because my children are already all grown up. However going by the way things are developing, I am not very hopeful. The only thing I can think of is to find a country where things are in less of a mess.


New Member
I think my kids are seeing the best/easiest part of life they will ever see which is a shame because they are so young. I think they will have a much harder time providing for themselves and their families, and that it will be a totally different experience than the dream of America that used to be.


New Member
I agree with Bear. With the economy in such poor state and no signs of improvement any time soon, I think the years to come will be harder instead of easier. The cost of EVERYTHING is rising almost daily, meanwhile minimum wage has yet to reach $8/hour. The gap between what we need and what we have just keeps getting wider, and I don't know how much longer things can survive that way. I hate it that we have to raise our kids in such an environment, but I try to be realistic about it, because there are 3rd-world countries out there that have it much worse!


New Member
My kids ask sometimes on what are our perks in the old days. Told them that there are no gadgets, no school bus, no malls, etc. They reacted that we were living in the dark ages then and that we had a lonely childhood. If I was thinking as my kids now, then I would agree with them. But there are lots of beautiful simple things that we do in our childhood days. I would say that I will leave my kids to a better world, as my parents did to me.


New Member
I am not really sure what would happen in the future but thinking about how my son is growing up, I think I am doing a good job. I don't really mind bad economies or wars since I am doing my best for my son. When he grows up, he will never have to worry about those things because I will make sure that the road is already paved for him.


New Member
My kids ask sometimes on what are our perks in the old days. Told them that there are no gadgets, no school bus, no malls, etc. They reacted that we were living in the dark ages then and that we had a lonely childhood. If I was thinking as my kids now, then I would agree with them. But there are lots of beautiful simple things that we do in our childhood days. I would say that I will leave my kids to a better world, as my parents did to me.
Lol I think those were not the dark ages, but the tecnovoid ages. I think they will be the one to see the dark ages.


New Member
I still hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I know my kids grew up with things I never had, just like their kids will do the same. We can only teach them and lead them in the right direction but the end path is always their own choice.