

New Member
Is anybody here in a situation of adopting the step kids? My fiance and I are getting married next month and after that I will be starting proceedings to adopt my step son. I have heard that the process can take quite a long time. Any advice?


New Member
My stepfather adopted my sister and I. It took a while because ideally, the courts want the biological parent's permission but they couldn't trace my real dad, so went ahead without it.


New Member
It depends on the laws in your country/state... Sometimes it can take as long as half a year for the adoption process to be completed. There's a lot of paperwork to be taken care of. The law is, generally, on the slowish side...


New Member
It is wonderful that you want to do this for your fiancées children. I think that all kids need a strong male presence in their life. I wish you all the best of luck!


Staff member
I just adopted the wife's daughter. The longest time was the process. Took about 4 months from start to finish. We had to notify the sperm donor, have a court date to see if he would try to interfere, and then a court date where we went in front of the judge to sign the paperwork. I got asked a few questions. Name, is the home big enough for the children, if I wanted her name changed, if I could financially support her, and things of that nature. Wife had to basically say she agrees, and that was it. Judge gave our daughter an adopted teddy bear and a few coloring books and other little toys. Took maybe 10-15 minutes in court.

If it takes a while to find sperm donor and serve him papers, it will take longer, same as if he wants to fight the adoption. But the first court date, the Judge pretty much told him he had no rights in my case. Never saw her, no child support, no attempt to do anything with her.


New Member
Thanks for the great input, guys :) I'll have to let you know how this turns out once all is said and done. The biological dad actually had sole custody of the kid for several years (my fiance ran from him because he was abusive). But he came out of the woodwork last year and had Children and Youth Services track her down because he didn't want the kid anymore. I guess as the boy started getting older (less cute and more mouthy), he decided he couldn't handle it.

So, we know where he is and he has been informed that I will be adopting and he said fine. Whether or not he follows through with not fighting us remains to be seen. It's kind of an odd situation because on the one hand he did come out and say he didn't want the kid, but on the other hand he was the sole parent for quite a while. If he makes waves, I'm not sure where this would end up. I'll keep ya'll in the loop though.


New Member
Ahhh, he got to the hard part did he? LOL Yeah, kids tend to get a bit more mouthy and less cute when they get a bit older. Also it's harder to pick up women when the kid can't be put to bed before the party starts.