Adult Child


New Member
My buddy has a son who is 25 years old. He has been into the drug culture since he was 16 and they have had all sorts of trouble with him. Last year, he got onto his horse and rode on the highway at 10pm at night. Of course he got hit and they had to put the horse down. He however, was hurt quite badly and did receive a quite severe brain injury along with other injuries like a fractured pelvis/hip. He isn't quite the way he should be and is medically much younger than his chronological age. He has been placed in the custody of his mother and she oversees all of his business. He can't even issue a check because he isn't that competent to do so. So she has power of attorney over everything. He is still an adult in many ways though and is very charming. He stays at some of his lady friend's houses sometimes which his mother lets him do since he is a man.

She is having trouble though, with him wanting to get back into the drug scene. I've advised her to try to get him into rehab to change his behavior since just depriving him of the drug isn't working. What do you think?


New Member
All that can really be done is tough love. You have to really give them an ultimatum and let them know that they are going to lose everything unless they give up the drugs. That's sadly all you can really do.

Jerry F

New Member
That's a bad situation, especially if she is responsible for him. Ummm, If it were my child, I think I would force them into rehab since he isn't quite back to where he was before. You have to be careful with kids who have had brain damage. Sometimes they have a hair trigger and you never know when they are going to go off on theses fits of rage.